The Birth of the Film
This project began with a vision from MORE Productions' founder, Mark Rodgers, to tell a different story of the 21 Coptic saints' martyrdom. After visiting Egypt in 2019, Mark felt called to create a film that highlighted the spiritual victory of the martyrs, who stood firm in their faith despite facing death. With encouragement and support from many in the Coptic community, MORE Productions started developing a short animated film to honor their legacy.
Tod Polson
Tod Polson received both his BFA and MFA from The California Institute of the Arts (Cal/Arts) under a scholarship from the Walt Disney Co. His student film, Al Tudi Tuhak, won many awards including the Student Oscar. Between degrees, Tod apprenticed under the Oscar-winning team of Chuck Jones, and Maurice Noble. Tod has worked extensively as a director, designer, and teacher, helping develop a variety of projects all over the world. Some of these projects include the Emmy award-winning El Tigre for Nickelodeon, the Oscar-nominated feature The Secret of Kells, and the Golden Globe-nominated, The Book Of Life. His animation design book, The Noble Approach: Maurice Noble and the Zen of Animation, was published by Chronicle Books LLC.
Mandi Hart
Mandi Hart is a filmmaker and attorney specializing in creative content development and production and intellectual property. She worked in documentary film production before obtaining her J.D. She is President of both Cave Pictures Publishing, an independent publisher of spiritually resonant comic books and graphic novels, and of MORE Productions, an agency that develops and produces films, graphic novels and stage productions and provides strategic consultation for various creative projects. MORE's past projects include the feature documentary Refuge; The Great Gilly Hopkins; Babette's Feast off-Broadway; Martin Scorsese's 2016 masterpiece Silence; and indie film The Ticket with Dan Stevens. Mandi is a screenwriter and published author of various articles concerning film financing and copyright protection in the age of social media.
MORE Productions is a creative content development, production and consulting firm that works in multiple sectors, including feature films, documentaries, short films, comic books, stage plays, concerts and live events, children's literature and impact campaigns. In 2022 MORE released a feature documentary called Refuge, which won top prizes at a number of US film festivals. MORE is part of two indie films that will be released in 2025: a microbudget feature film about political polarization in America and an arthouse film meditating on the Holy Fool.
MORE is also in development on a feature film about the first African-American NFL draftee to play and a filmed mini-series about the American Revolution. Additionally, MORE publishes allegorical comic series through Cave Pictures Publishing. MORE has done impact campaigns for feature films such as The Great Gilly Hopkins. In 2018, MORE Productions helped mount Babette's Feast off-Broadway and is part of a team adapting Flannery O'Connor's short story Revelation for the stage. MORE has also provided consulting to individuals and organizations interested in culture creation and engagement.
Film Credits
Our Partners
Special thanks to the following partners who have supported the 21 Martyrs film by donating Indiegogo rewards, advising on the project, sharing the project with their network, and participating in promotional materials.
Non-Profit Partners
Coptic Orphans
Stephen’s Children
Hands Along the Nile, with special thanks to Executive Director, Jennifer Cate
Consultants and Iconographers
Corporate Partners
Executive Producers
Sadek Wahba
Jonathan Roumie
John Johnson
Christianity Today
Associate Producers
Fred and Sue Schwein
Don Scifres
Jess and Angela Correll
Foster and Lynn Friess
Tracy Amonette
Mandi Hart
Mark Rodgers
Line Producers
Pam Darley
Mandi Hart
Laura and Sarah Ayoub
Music and Sound Designers
Giles Lamb
Anna Sirjajeva
Our Artists
We have an amazing team of freelance artists from all over the world brought together by their shared passion for this project. We are so grateful to the following people:
Ale Ortega Romero
Alejandro Reyes (Mexico)
Alexandra Roll (Denmark)
Alix Vincendet (France)
Alypius Loft (USA)
Amanda Picher
Amber Kenneson
Anders Waltz (Sweden)
Andrew Aziz
Andrew Dous (United Arab Emirates)
Antony de Fato (USA)
Arascope (Egypt)
Arvind Jeena (India)
Athawut Vitheethum (Thailand)
Aylen Solander (Sweden)
Ben Alexander (USA)
Bishoy Gendi (UK)
Brent Forrest (Japan)
Cassidy Fernandez (USA)
C’Boy Vitheethum (Thailand)
Dan Daly (USA)
Danila Mikhailov (Russia)
Darko Cesar (USA)
Dennis Greco (USA)
Ed Bell (USA)
Edmon Kamel (Egypt)
Eldin Mohammed Masry (Egypt)
Emanuel Burke (USA)
Erini Fahim
Ethan Koss
Frederick Gardner Design (USA)
Gerry McGrory (Ireland)
Hitomi Saeki (Thailand)
Igloo Studio
Jakub Bednarz (France)
James Crumbo
Jason “Jazno” Francouer (USA)
JC Jamlig (Philippines)
Jen Liu (USA)
Jeremie Becquer (Luxembourg)
Joana Hauptmann (Denmark)
Joel Loukus (USA)
John Hermanowski
John Pomeroy (USA)
John Webber (USA)
Jowanna Barvizi (Sweden)
Kate Caillet (USA)
Kent Alfred (USA)
Larissa Van Nynatten (USA)
Len Simon (USA)
Leroy Ayton (UK)
Maahir Pandie (Canada)
Maria Blowers (Ireland)
Mike Polvani (USA)
Moroni Taylor (USA)
Nathan Maetzener (Canada)
Nicolas Briellmann (Switzerland)
Nikhita Prabhudesai (India)
Nikola Seric (Serbia)
Niloofar Behbud (Iran)
Poul Riishede (Denmark)
Qiao Cheng (UK)
Randy Hayes (USA)
Ricardo Barahona (USA)
Rodd Miller (Thailand)
Rommel Ruiz
Sami Sulzer (USA)
Smita Minda (India)
Stella Adeline (Indonesia)
Stephen Picher
Steven Geer (USA)
Teodora Gavrilut (Romania)
Tiaan Truter (South Africa)
Todd Cronin (USA)
Tony Rezk (USA)
Van Shirvanian (Canada)
Wanichaya Phraejunya (Thailand)
Wanichaya Tangsutthiwong (Thailand)
Yaovaluk Kuemkhunthod (Thailand)
Yasha Habibipour (Thailand)
Financial Supporters
We couldn't do this without the many people who have come alongside us financially. Many have supported us through our initial crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo or by donating here on the website. They are listed here in no particular order. Other contributors have wished to remain anonymous.
Hunt Family
Alfred and Sahar Smith
Jedd Medefind
Larry Short
Philip and Lamar Meaders
Robert E Stafford DDS
Ernst Lutz
Sandy Hennawi
Steve Taylor
Richard Hogue
James McPherson
Rev. Michael and Nancy VandenBerg
Ken Liu
Bishop Narayan Sharma
Michael Shipp
Sawyer Lake
Christina Guirguis
Phoebe Farag Mikhail
Santiago Lopez Jover
Carol & Gino
Bruce Shaw
Larry P
José Urbina Ñañez
Staci Montanez
Caitlyn Hall
DreShawn Earl
Jeffrey Abramson
Philopatir Attalla
David and Staci Larson
Kendra Witherspoon
Pamela Filutowski
Kaleb Sileshi
Anne Johnson
Mina Magued Mikhail Ibrahim
Christaan Floor
Martha Dickerson
Francesco Mentone
Rimanuella Miles
Samy Marzouk
Sharon Hansen
Andrew Haley
Jonathan Horn
Teresa Serenith
Julian Gibson
Joe Cota
Naguib Sawiris
James McPherson
Bruce McLaughlin
Christine Gapany
George Papanikolaou
Romain De Ia Motte
Amira Burshan
David Goebel
Diana Deschene
Fady Remila
Sherri O'Neil
Stephen Chinta
Patricia Biggio
Anba Daniel
Cathy White
Christy Rosenberger
Elisabetta Marini
Carol Corgan
GroundBreakers Ministries
Sherif Boulis
Michael Markham
Ken Toop
William Peddy
Carol Isaac
John Werner
Suzy Buck
Brenda Nelson
Harold Tansley
Gloria M. ziegler
Yongjian Jin
Joyce McCarten
Vernon Killingsworth
Adam Milling
Deborah Davis
Kathleen Hiller
Adeyanju Falade
Carl Richardson
Glenn Kling
Nathan Simpson
Aowei Yin
Thobile Simelane
William Rabe
Heath Corgiat
Sabrina Neto
Curt Fincham
Apostate Prophet
Christian Brady
Courtney Wade
Kai van Dommelen
Aisha Bakkar
Shih Fang
Silva Catherall
Josenildo Nascimento
Randy Yananto
Annie Stivers
Jon Benjamin Hunt
Jesse Chui
Barry and Vi McVay
Carlos Campo
Marcia Lynch
Eddie Fam
Jesse Wightman
Laura Morris
Hanan Atalla
Christopher Hanani
Reem Tadros
Christine Farag
Phebe Meyer
Kevin O’Brien
Kent Hill
Matt & Maria Jacoby
Don L
Kenneth D
Erik T
Tomm M
Marcel S
John K
Michael B
John K
Marcel S
Tomm Moore
Erik T
Don L
Kenneth D
David Larson
David Smith
Sherry Shenoda
Paul Husband
Finn Rüping
Louis Hemmings
Henrik Polson
Pasquale Russo
Karen Samy
Gail O’Hea
Joshua Roberts
Joel Fisher
Samuel Nwaobi
Mary Gean Cope
Shane Jenkins
Tracy McIntyre
Diana Hughes
Mary Clymer
Maryann Salib
Deborah Johnson
David Faluade
Helen Johnson
Kahori Torgersen
Vergin Sadek
Gabriel Wilson
Judith Reilley
Joel Bales
7 Design House
Yared Sima
Sandy Hennawi
Diana Zenarosa
Justin Kozma
Mirna Israeil
Walter Ruzek
John C Cavadini
Scott Hollinger
Diana Hatton
L Payton
Jay Mullinix
Angela Georgy
Todd Custer
Christian Gerges
Amir Lamey Makkar
Judy M Lee
Lisa Kakish
Ken Karably
John Boyle
Rosalyn Ayers
Eduardo Palazuelos Romo
Ryan Cody
Sharon L Stults
Nancy McNeil
Zeid Saadi
Wayne Yasutomi
Rimon Soliman
Alexander Guzev
Suresh Lenin
Translator's Workshop Hyperion
Samuel Blanco
Prentice Dupins
Paul Stone
Mirjam Erdinc
Samir Iovan
Midland AV Sales
Sandra Ubben
Janet Hamm
Steve Kato
Roderick Kim
Youssef Hanna
James Amyx
Thomas Gibbons
Hannah M
Matthew G
Robert B
Jason C
Charbel B
Heather D
Randy H
Andrew H
Sylvia M
Jonathan C
Maneesa G
Carina M
Kylart [Art by Kyla]
Alijah M
Sally A
Hany G
Elizabeth A
Maged S
Mia and Lara
Tracy A
Eugene E
Bob Thornton
Eddie B
Clare K
Micah G
Tan M
North American Thebaid Photographic Pilgrimage Project
Derrick B
Kirsten M
Oliver Hawkins
Angela Büttner
Carlos Daniel Capitaine Rojas
Bettina Thomas
Dusan Pavlovic
Carol Mount
Pete Peterson
Julie Kovarik
Freek Drenth
William Lamear
Nancy Chandler
Courtney Kim
Anahid Telfeyan
Kathleen Licoppe
Samantha Girgis
Helen Guler
Janette Domingo
Alejandra Vargas
MaryJean Brennan
Julia Papasidero
Martin Haldimann
Christi Redmon
Margaret Regensburg
Clara Bakhoum
Michael Schwartz
John Witkowski
Randall Duncan
Hans Meijer
Chris Lee
Melissa Stanton
Bruna Cunha Costa Cardoso|
Cynthia Zahrt
Marian Zaki
Bassma Mikhail
Angela Jeronimo
Beyond The Blue
Philip Tifft
Michael Jose Arcilla
Matthias Ausloos
Howard Staniforth
Sherinei Kirolous
Imagination Station
Jessica Morgia
Bruce Fisher
Yuri van der Heijden
Sharon L Stults
Soto Plaza Evette
Pamela Labat
R Jenelle Ochsner
Lisa Estes
Charles Yost
Leslie O'Dowd
Brian Loskill
Akos Tiboldi
Voula Asimacopoulos
Sharon Bryant
Susan Huggett
Ben Wild
Vanessa Brooks
Michael Tiller
Timothy Greene
Bas de Winter
Elizabeth Baltierra
James Highet
Annie Stivers
John Hill
Steve Coyle
Kimberly Layton
Debbie Lovatt
Lori Kelly
Scott Hoyt
Aldijana Jusufovic
V. Hope Reynolds
David Cornwell
Jeffrey Bornolla
Britt Balkcom